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Our constitution

What is the CVA constitution?

Our constitution is effectively the board's rule book. It provides us with the basic rules that governs the Cardrona Village Association. It also outlines what we can and can't do, and lists what rights and responsibilities subscription members have.

Our constitution was last updated in July 2017


1. The Cardrona Village Association shall be registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) (see Paragraphs 55-56 below)


2. The principal office of the Association shall be the Village Hall, Cardrona, Peeblesshire, EH45 9LJ, Scotland, UK.


3. The name of the Association shall be the 'Cardona Village Association (CVA)' , hereinafter called the 'CVA', or the 'Association'.

D. PURPOSES (Para 4)

4. Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds.


There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex; sexual orientation, political or other opinion. The Association's specific purposes shall be:

4.1 To manage, maintain and improve the Cardrona Village Common Parts, as may be defined from time to time by the membership and which shall be available for use by all members of the community.


Initially this will comprise the Village Green; the Village Hall and its adjacent car park and borders; the Village Playground; and the Pump N'Jump facility.


4.2 To manage the Cardrona Village Hall and Green for the use of all the residents of Cardrona and environs, including use for meetings, events, lectures and classes, and for other forms of education, training, recreation and leisure time activity, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the community.

4.3 To organise and promote any other community-based activity which the Members shall consider to improve the conditions of life for the community and/or promote community participation.

E. POWERS (Paras 5-7)

5. The Association shall have the power to do anything which is calculated to further its purposes or is conducive or incidental to doing so.

6. The CVA shall have the following specific powers:

6.1 To establish and promulgate bylaws on the appropriate uses of the Village Hall, the Village Green and other Village Common Parts as may be appropriate. Such CVA bylaws shall be subordinate to those established by the local council.

6.2 To sell usage of the Village Hall to residents, to village organisations and to other people and organisations for specific events.


6.3 To purchase, lease, contract, hire or otherwise acquire any property, materials or rights which are suitable for the CVA's activities.

6.4 To employ staff considered necessary and appropriate for the proper conduct of CVA's activities.


6.5 To effect insurance of all kinds.


6.6 To levy an annual subscription from all members to meet the costs only of 4.1 and 4.2 above; recurrent costs under 4.2 shall where possible be met from user fees.


6.7 To take such steps as may be deemed appropriate for the purpose of raising funds for any other CVA activities under 4.3 above.


6.8 To liaise with other voluntary sector bodies, local authorities, UK or Scottish government departments and agencies, and other bodies, all with a view to furthering CVA's purposes.

6.9 To establish and/or support any other charitable body, and to make donations for any charitable purpose falling within CVA's purpose 4.3 above.


6.10 To carry out any other activities which further any of the above purposes.

7. No income or property of the Association may be paid or transferred (directly or indirectly) to the members - either in the course of the Association's existence or on its dissolution except where this is done in direct furtherance of the Association's charitable purposes.


8. The members of the Association shall have no liability to pay any sums to meet the debts (or other liabilities) of the Association if it is wound up; accordingly, if the Association is unable to meet its debts, the members shall not be held responsible.

9. The CVA members and the CVA Board (i.e. the charity trustees) shall have certain legal duties under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; and clause 8 does not exclude (or limit) any personal liabilities they might incur if they are in breach of those duties or other legal obligations.


10. The structure of the CVA shall consist of two elements: -

10.1 The MEMBERS - who shall have the right to attend members' meetings and shall have important powers under the constitution. In particular, the members shall appoint fellow members to serve on shall approve the annual budget and accounts, as well as the annual membership subscription; and shall take decisions on changes to the constitution itself.


10.2 The BOARD — which shall hold regular meetings (at least once a quarter) and shall be responsible for managing the activities of the CVA, as well as monitoring and controlling the financial position of the Association.

11. The people serving on the Board are also referred to in this constitution as the CVA CHARITY TRUSTEES, in which capacity they shall have special responsibilities in accordance with Scottish Law. These are outlined in Section K, paragraphs 40-48.

H. MEMBERSHIP (Paras 12-20)

12. Membership shall be open to all residents of Cardrona Village and its environs aged 16 years or older.


13. Each member shall be liable to pay an annual subscription, to cover the costs of running the Association.

13.1 The annual subscription shall be approved each year at the Annual General Meeting.

13.2 This annual subscription shall not be refundable when a member resigns from membership.

14. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on any issue presented to general meetings of the Association, always provided that his/her subscription is paid up to date.

15 Membership applications shall follow a standard procedure:

15.1 Any person who wishes to become a member shall sign a written application for membership.

15.2 The application shall then be considered by the Board at its next meeting.


15.3 Any rejected application should have the right to appeal to the next AGM.


15.4 The Board must notify each applicant promptly (in writing or by e-mail) of its decision on whether or not to admit him/her to membership.


15.5 Each new member shall advise the Board of his/her/their preferred means of communication, whether by standard mail or to a designated email address. The members themselves shall be responsible for notifying the Board of any changes in this primary communication channel.

16. Any person who wants to withdraw from membership shall give a written notice of withdrawal to the Association, signed by him/her.


He/she shall cease to be a member as from the time when the notice is received by the Association. Subscriptions which have already been paid shall not be refundable.Constitution of the Cardrona Village Association (CVA), as amended 10/07/2017.


17. Membership of the Association shall not be transferred by a member to another.


18. Any person may be expelled from membership but this requires:


18.1 A resolution passed by not less than two thirds of those present and voting, in person or by proxy, at a general meeting of the Association, providing the following procedures have been observed.

18.2 At least 21 days' notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed expulsion.

18.3 The member concerned shall be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the members' meeting at which the resolution is proposed.

19. The Board shall keep an up-to-date register of members, setting out:


19.1 For each current member: his/her full name and address; and the date on which he/she was registered as a member of the Association;

19.2 For each former member - for at least six years from the date he/she ceased to be a member: his/her name; and the date on which he/she ceased to be a member.

19.3 The Board shall ensure that the register of members is updated within 28 days of any change.


20. If any member or board member of the Association requests a copy of the register of members, the Board shall ensure that a copy is supplied to him/her within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a member (rather than a charity trustee), the board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out.


21. There shall be two kinds of general meeting of the members:

21.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association which shall take place once a year, in the first quarter. This shall be convened by the Board.

21.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Association, which can take place at any time of the year. It shall be be convened by the Board, either on its own initiative or at the request of at least 15% of paid-up members who wish an important matter to be discussed by the general membership.

22. The Annual General Meeting shall have the following general agenda:

22.1 Approval of the Draft Minutes of the most recently preceding general meeting.

22.2 Presentation, discussion and approval of the Report of the Board for the preceding year.


22.3 Presentation, discussion and approval of the Treasurer's Report, including a Financial Statement, for the Association for the preceding year, together with the results of an independent examination.

22.4 Presentation, discussion and approval of provisional budget for the new financial year, together with the funding arrangements, including the proposed level of members' subscriptions.


22.5 Election of board members (charity trustees) for the next year, to hold office until the next AGM.


22.6 Any other business as shall be proposed either by the Board, or by an individual member in writing to the committee.


23. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time to discuss any matter of relevance to the purposes of the Association. It shall have the following characteristics:

23.1 It shall be convened by the Board, on its own initiative or at the request of any group of members who constitute at least 15% of the paid-up membership at the time.


23.2 Such a group of members shall write to the Board, requesting such an EGM, proposing an agenda and/or resolution to be considered. Such a request should evidence the 15% of members with a list of signatures.


23.3 Following such a request, the Board is obliged to convene an EGM within one month of the request being received, unless the AGM itself is already scheduled within six weeks, in which case the proposed agenda items should be included in the AGM's agenda.


23.4 In all other respects, the procedures to be applied for an EGM are identical to those that also apply to an AGM.

24. All General Meetings of the Membership shall be conducted in the following manner:


24. 1 All paid-up members shall receive a direct notice of the meeting and the proposed agenda at least three weeks prior to the meeting. Such notification can be by mail or addressed to the members' designated email addresses (see Paragraph 15.5).

24.2 The background documentation relating to the meeting shall be circulated to all paid-up members at least one week prior to the meeting.


24.3 Notice of the meeting, together with the Agenda, shall also be posted on the Association's web-site and on the Notice Board of the Cardona Village Hall, so that all Cardona Residents are aware of the CVA's processes, and can choose to join the Association if they wish.

24.4 Only paid-up members of the Association are entitled to vote at the general meetings, a right that they shall exercise either in person or by proxy (see Paragraph 25) or by email (see Paragraph 26).


24.5 The partners of paid-up members shall be entitled to attend general meetings of the Association as observers, but shall not be entitled to vote on any issues unless they are paid-up members in their own right.


24.6 Non-members and any members in arrears shall be given the opportunity to join and/or pay the subscription in the half-hour preceding the start of each general meeting. If they do so, they shall be entitled to attend and to vote.


24.7 A quorum shall be considered to exist if more than twenty paid-up members attend the meeting, in person or by proxy.


24.8 Votes on routine matters shall be by simple majority of those paid-up members present at the meeting, in person or by proxy. Where there is a clear majority, a show of hands shall be considered adequate. Where there is clear disagreement, a confidential written ballot shall be used. Any member shall be entitled to request such a secret ballot on a specific matter.


24.9 Votes on any constitutional amendment (see Section M, Paragraphs 56-57 for more details) shall require a quorum of one half of paid-up members voting, in person, by proxy, or by email; and a two-thirds majority, of those who vote, voting in favour.


24.10 Draft minutes of each general meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary and cleared by the Chair prior to circulation to all members in draft form. They shall be circulated in this draft form to all members within three weeks of the meeting and shall also be posted on the Association's web site and on the Village Hall notice board. They shall only be considered final when they are approved at the beginning of the next general meeting.

25. Members may choose to exercise their rights to attend meetings and to vote on motions by means of a signed proxy designating another paid-up member to attend and vote on their behalf, under the following conditions:

25.1 A signed proxy shall be sent to the Board prior to the meeting, either by mail or by email designating another paid-up member to speak and/or vote on his/her behalf.


25.2 All such proxies shall be made available at the meeting in printed form, for possible inspection by members attending.

25.3 Designation of a proxy who attends the meeting shall constitute attendance at the meeting for the purposes of calculating a quorum.

26. Voting shall also be permitted by email under the following conditions:

26.1 The Vote shall emanate from the primary email address designated by the Member concerned (see Paragraph 15.5).


26.2 The Vote shall be on a motion previously announced to all members at least one week before the meeting (see Paragraph 24.2).


26.3 The email vote shall be printed out by and made available for inspection by any of those members present at the meeting concerned.


26.4 An email vote shall not count towards achievement of a quorum for general meetings unless it encompasses at least one half of the business of that meeting, but all email votes shall be included in calculating a voting quorum for a constitutional amendment (see Paragraph 56).


27. Notice of every general meeting, whether AGM or EGM shall be given to all the members of the Association but the accidental omission to give notice to one or more members shall not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.


28. Any notice which requires to be given to a member under this constitution shall be: -

28.1 Sent by post to the member, at the address last notified by him/her to the Association; or

28.2 Sent by e-mail to the member, at the e-mail address last notified by him/her to the Association as his/her primary channel of communication (see Paragraph 15.5).

J. THE BOARD (Paras 29-39)

29. The day-to-day work of the Cardrona Village Association shall be carried out by its Board, comprising paid-up members of the Association elected by a simple majority of all paid-up members attending the Annual General Meeting, in person or by proxy. Email votes shall also be admissible, as per paragraph 26 above.


30. Although elected annually, membership of the Board shall normally be limited to three successive years of service, whereupon the member shall make way for other members of the Association to stand for election to the Board. In the absence of a suitable replacement, however, the Board member may offer him/herself for further re-election.


31. The role of the Board shall be the detailed management of the same powers as set out in paragraph 5 above. It is accountable to the general membership of the Association for the discharge of these duties, as well as for compliance with the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.


32. Members of the Board shall not be entitled to more than one vote on any issue that is presented to the Board, or at a general meeting of the Association.


33. The members elected to serve on the Board are also referred to in this constitution as the CVA CHARITY TRUSTEES (See Paragraph 11). As such, their obligations are set out in Section K, Paragraphs 40-48, in keeping with the requirements of the applicable Scottish Law.

34. A person shall not be eligible for election or appointment to the Board unless he/she is a paid-up member of the Association.


35. A board member will automatically cease to hold office if:

35.1 He/she becomes disqualified from being a charity trustee under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

35.2 He/she becomes incapable for medical reasons of carrying out his/her duties as a board member - but only if that has continued (or is expected to continue) for a period of more than six months.


35.3 He/she ceases to be a member of the Association.


35.4 He/she becomes an employee of the Association.


35.5 He/she gives the Association a notice of resignation, signed by him/her.


35.6 He/she is removed from office by a resolution of the members passed at a general meeting of the members, on the grounds that he/she is considered to have been in serious or persistent breach of his/her duties under Section 66(1) or (2) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.


36. A resolution under Paragraph 35.6 shall be valid only if: -

36.1 The meeting at which the resolution is put complies with that of an Extraordinary General Meeting, as set out in Paragraph 23.

36.2 The board member who is the subject of the resolution is given reasonable prior written notice of the grounds upon which the resolution for his/her removal is to be proposed.


36.3 The board member concerned is given the opportunity to address the meeting at which the resolution is proposed, prior to the resolution being put to the vote.

37. The composition of the Board shall be as follows:


37.1 It shall comprise five members in total.

37.2 Once elected, it shall appoint from within itself a Chair, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Membership Secretary and a Member-at-Large.


37.3 The role of the Chair shall be to lead the work of the Board, to chair its meetings and to chair general meetings of the members.


37.4 The role of the Treasurer shall be to manage the finances of the Association comprising: the bank accounts; budget formulation and management; arranging an independent examination of the accounts; and presenting financial information and analysis to the Board, as well as to general meetings of the members.

37.5 The role of the Secretary shall be to manage the documentation of the Association, including minutes of the Board and general meetings, as well as necessary correspondence and the Association's archives.


37.6 The role of the Membership Secretary shall be to process applications and to maintain an up-to-date register of all the Association's members, with mail and email addresses, including each member's primary channel of communication.


37.7 The role of the Member-at-Large shall be to undertake any special projects or programmes that the Board shall decide to undertake, as well as to support any of the other board members as necessary.


37.8 The Board shall co-opt as necessary any other persons, including but not limited to members of the Association, for the purposes of specific discussions and/or activities. Such co-opted members shall not have the status of Charity Trustees.


While such co-opted members shall participate in the decision making process of the Board on matters in which they are involved, they shall not be entitled to a formal vote in Board decisions.


37.9 The Board shall have the option to establish sub-committees to undertake specific activities on behalf of the Association. Such sub-committees shall be accountable to the Board and to the general membership.

38. Meetings of the Board shall apply the following procedure:

38.1 It shall meet at least four times each year, i.e. each quarter.

38.2 A quorum shall consist of at least three of the five elected members.

38.3 If the Chair cannot be present at a specific meeting, those members who attend the meeting shall elect a temporary chair from among those elected members present.


38.4 To the extent possible, it shall establish a meeting schedule for the year, notifying all members of this schedule on the Association's web site, so that they can contribute ideas and concerns beforehand.


38.5 The agenda and all documentation shall be made available to all Board members at least one week in advance of scheduled meetings.


38.6 The agenda for each quarterly meeting shall include review of a set of updated management accounts to ensure adequate financial control and oversight.

38.7 It shall document its proceedings with agenda and draft minutes, which shall be posted on the web site, for the information of all members as well as other residents of Cardona.


38.8 The Chair shall have the right to exclude necessarily confidential information from such public disclosure.


39. In the fourth quarter of each year:

39.1 The Board shall prepare and provisionally approve a budget for the following year, including proposed funding arrangements which include the subscription level for the new year.


39.2 In the first quarter of the new year, the Board shall present this provisional budget to the Annual General Meeting (Paragraph 22.4), which shall formally approve and/or amend it.


40. Each of the members of the Board (the charity trustees) shall have a duty, in exercising the functions as a charity trustee, to act in the interests of the Association and, in particular, must:-

40.1 Seek, in good faith, to ensure that the Association acts in a manner which is in accordance with its purposes.

40.2 Act with the care and diligence which it is reasonable to expect of a person who is managing the affairs of another person.


40.3 In circumstances giving rise to the possibility of a conflict of interest between the Association and any other party:


40.3.1 Put the interests of the Association before that of the other party;

40.3.2 Where any other duty prevents him/her from doing so, disclose the conflicting interest to the Association and refrain from participating in any deliberation or decision of the other Board members with regard to the matter in question;

40.4 Ensure that the Association complies with any direction, requirement, notice or duty imposed under or by virtue of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

41. In addition to the duties outlined in Paragraph 40, all of the Board members (charity trustees) shall take such steps as are reasonably practicable for the purpose of ensuring:

41.1 That any breach of any of those duties by a Board member (charity trustee) is corrected by the member concerned and not repeated; and 


41.2 That any Board member (charity trustee) who has been in serious and persistent breach of those duties is removed as a trustee.

42. Provided he/she has declared his/her interest - and has not voted on the question of whether or not the Association should enter into the arrangement — a Board member (charity trustee) shall not be debarred from entering into an arrangement with the association in which he/she has a personal interest; and, subject to Paragraph 40 and to the provisions relating to remuneration for services contained in the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005), he/she may retain any personal benefit which arises from that arrangement.

43. No Board member (charity trustee) shall serve as an employee (full time or part time) of the Association; and no Board member (charity trustee) may be given any remuneration by the Association for carrying out his/her duties as a charity trustee.


44. The Board members (charity trustees) shall be paid all travelling and other expenses reasonably incurred by them in connection with carrying out their duties; this shall not include expenses relating to their attendance at meetings.

45. A Board member (charity trustee) shall not vote at a board meeting (or at a meeting of a sub-committee) on any resolution which relates to a matter in which he/she has a personal interest or duty which conflicts (or may conflict) with the interests of the Association; he/she shall withdraw from the meeting while an item of that nature is being dealt with.

46. For the purposes of Paragraph 45:

46.1 An interest held by an individual who is "connected" with the Board member (charity trustee) under Section 68(2) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (husband/wife, partner, child, parent, brother/sister etc.) shall be deemed to be held by that Board member (charity trustee);

46.2 A Board member (charity trustee) shall be deemed to have a personal interest in relation to a particular matter if a body in relation to which he/she is an employee, director, member of the management committee, officer or elected representative has an interest in that matter.

47. The Board shall keep an up-do-date register of charity trustees/board members, setting out:

47.1 For each current Board member (charity trustee): his/her full name and address; the date on which he/she was appointed as a charity trustee; and any office held by him/her in the association;


47.2 For each former Board Member (charity trustee) - for at least 6 years from the date on which he/she ceased to be a Board Member (charity trustee): the name of the charity trustee; any office held by him/her in the Association; and the date on which he/she ceased to be a charity trustee.

48. If any person requests a copy of the register of charity trustees, the Board shall ensure that a copy is supplied to him/her within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a person who is not a charity trustee of the organisation, the Board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out - if the Board is satisfied that including that information is likely to jeopardise the safety or security of any person or premises.


49. The Association's financial year shall be the calendar year.


50. The Association shall operate at least two bank accounts in the name of the Cardrona Village Association, established by the Board at a suitable bank.

50.1 One bank account ('the operations account') shall be used to record income and expenditure against Association activities.


50.2 A second interest-bearing account shall be used for securing significant unutilised balances, as applicable, including for example the Reserve Fund (see Paragraph 52).

51. Operation of these bank accounts shall be as follows:

51.1 Only elected members of the Board (charity trustees) shall have signature authority over such accounts.


51.2 Disbursements from these accounts shall require the signature of any two members of the Board.


51.3 No member of the Board shall him/herself receive a payment which he/she has him/herself approved.


51.4 Where the Association uses internet banking facilities to manage any bank account, the single authorisation sometimes required for operation of such a facility account shall be substantiated by an internal dual-approval process which is consistent with the approach reflected in this paragraph. Such dual approval shall be documented for each transaction.

52. The Board shall establish and maintain a Reserve Fund, for the purposes of building up a cash reserve for significant unexpected expenditures. The management of this Reserve Fund shall be accounted for separately in the Association's account.

53. The Board shall ensure that proper accounting records are kept, in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements.

54. The Board shall prepare and present to the Annual General Meeting an annual statement of accounts which shall:

54.1 Comply with all relevant statutory requirements, which includes the correct format of the accounts for public accountability


54.2 Include appropriate external scrutiny by an appropriately qualified independent examiner.

55. In accordance with paragraph 39, the Board will prepare a provisional budget for the next year in the fourth quarter of the preceding year, and submit it to the Annual General Meeting for approval and/or amendment.


56. This constitution may (subject to Paragraph 57) be amended by resolution of the members, which meets the following conditions:

56.1 There is a written resolution circulated to all members at least three weeks in advance of the vote;


56.2 At least 50% of paid-up members vote, either in person or by proxy, or by mail, or by email;


56.3 A two-thirds majority of those voting vote in favour.

57. The Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 prohibits taking certain steps (e.g. change of name, an alteration to the purposes, amalgamation, winding-up) without the consent of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).


58. If the Board in consultation with the members determine that it is necessary or appropriate that the Association be dissolved:

58.1 The Board shall convene an extraordinary general meeting of the members for this purpose and in accordance with the normal provisions for such meetings outlined in Section I, Paragraph 24.


58.2 Voting on this proposal shall comply with those for a constitutional Amendment, outlined in Section M paragraph 56 above.

58.3 If the decision is affirmative, the winding-up or dissolution process will be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (see also Paragraph 59).


58.4 Any surplus assets available to the organisation immediately preceding its winding up or dissolution must be used for purposes which are the same as or which closely resemble - the purposes of the organisation as set out in this constitution.


59. References in this constitution to the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 should be taken to include:

59.1 Any statutory provision which adds to, modifies or replaces that Act; and


59.2 Any statutory instrument issued in pursuance of that Act or in pursuance of any statutory provision falling under Paragraph 59.1 above.

60. In this constitution: -

60.1 "Charity" means a body which is either a "Scottish charity" within the meaning of section 13 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 or a "charity" within the meaning of section 1 of the Charities Act 2006, providing (in either case) that its objects are limited to charitable purposes;


60.2 "Charitable purpose" means a charitable purpose under section 7 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 which is also regarded as a charitable purpose in relation to the application of the Taxes Acts.

61. Throughout this constitution the terms 'charity trustee' and 'Board member' are used interchangeably.


62. This Constitution was adopted unanimously on 25 October 2013 at a meeting of interested Cardrona Residents, all of whom have confirmed their intention to join the new Cardrona Village Association immediately following this adoption.


A list of all those present at the meeting, in person or by proxy, or who have voted in favour of the Constitution by mail or by email, is attached as an integral part of the constitution. They shall be the founding members of this new Association.


63. Following adoption of this constitution, the Interim Committee which has steered the process up to its adoption will:


63.1 Apply for registration of the Cardrona Village Association as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

63.2 Open the application process for membership and subscriptions.


63.3 Convene the first general meeting of the Association


63.4 Conduct the first elections for the new Board (charity trustees)


64. A copy of this constitution, and any subsequent amendment to it, shall be provided to all members and prospective members of the Association. It shall also be posted on the CVA's public website.

Association details
General structure
General meetings
The Board
Financial management
Meeting attendance
Communication method
Meeting documentation
Membership application
Extraordinary General Meeting
Reserve fund

Previous iterations

Find archived versions of our constitution within this section.


Our amended constitution agreed by the Office of the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR) and ratified during an inaugural meeting.

Version 2.0 (PDF, 147KB)


Our original constitution, with a change to count proxy votes by members via email or postal.

Version 1.0 (PDF, 98KB)

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